Matthew and Andrea first met at Watermark Community Church in August of 2015. Matthew was asked to photograph headshots of everyone serving in the 4th and 5th grade ministry called Crossroads45, a ministry he also served in for a couple years 3-4 years prior. Andrea was currently serving there as one of the leaders of a small girls group, teaching them about the Bible. When it was Andrea’s turn for her headshot, Matthew instantly noticed her natural beauty and was intrigued by her. Unfortunately though, Matthew didn’t have the opportunity to get her name.
A few months later, in December while Matthew was at the Crossraods45 minitstry he was looking at a group chat app that all the ministry members in it and he noticed her name. He then looked her up on Facebook and friend requested her. Fortunately for him, she accepted. After three weeks of sending messages, talking on the phone, and face timing, Matthew asked her out on a date. Andrea accepted and they went on their first date on January 7th, 2016 to go see a Jackson Pollock exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. Afterwards they had dinner at Savor, a restaurant across the the street with Matthew’s best friend John and his wife Christina.
Very quickly they realized they had a lot in common and shared very similar goals for life. They also connected very well and begun to have so much fun together. It took only two weeks of dating for them to become official. Andrea got to spend a lot of time with Matthew’s family here in Texas, getting know them very well. In June Matthew went to Michigan for two weeks and met with Andrea’s family and really enjoyed meeting and spending time with them all. They soon fell in love and got engaged 10 months later on October 1st at the same place they had their first date. They planned their wedding for June 3rd, 2017 and are really looking forward to seeing everyone there.